Workshop Guidelines for Infographics–2nd Session

  1. Revisit questions from last week. How does your infographic help us hear the music or understand the artists in a new way? Do your graphic elements make meaning? Are they more than decorative? Do you have any new insights on these questions?
  2. Textual elements: How much text do you need in the graphic itself? How much belongs there? (This will be different for everybody.)
  3. How does the the written portion outside the graphic complement or extend what’s in the graphic? Have you struck a good balance between the graphic and written sections? Does the written portion help explain what the graphic helps us hear or understand?
  4. Is there any important information missing from the written portion? Is there any unnecessary information?
  5. Are you using strong verbs and interesting adjectives? Are your sentences concise? Where might you be able to insert a short sentence that packs a punch?
  6. Choose one sentence to revise with the group. Might you be able to make your point more effectively using fewer words? What words can be cut? Where can you find stronger verbs and more distinctive adjectives to make the sentence say more and feel more confident?
  7. Make a list of elements you want to revise if you decide to use your infographic for your portfolio.

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