Portfolio Workshop #1

For this workshop, you’ll be making basic decisions about your portfolios. For Thursday’s workshop, we’ll dig more into the details.

  1. Describe for your group what you’re thinking you’ll include–and why. If you’re still working that out, have a conversation about it.
  2. Summarize the feedback you’ve received–from me, from workshops, or any other source–on pieces you think you’ll include. Do this out loud. Make it a conversation. Note any feedback that stands out as helpful. Ask your group what they think of the feedback. Ask them if they have any other suggestions.
  3. Discuss the genres you plan to include. What are some key hallmarks of each genre? What’s the aim of the genre? What are variations on it? Challenges with it?
  4. Based on what you plan to include, talk through your ideas for formatting your portfolio.
  5. On Thursday, you’ll discuss particular elements of each of your portfolio items. Send these items to your group so they can review them before we meet that day.

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