- Your portfolios are due on Tuesday, May 18, by midnight.
- Your portfolio should include three revised assignments from this semester, plus a short introduction explaining how you conceived each project and how it involved with revision. At the end, include an “Acknowledgments” section, including any person, text, community, or resource that helped you develop the writing you include. Feel free to include music writers or musicians who have influenced you.
- For the three assignments in your portfolio, you should choose from your Record Club Post; your album or performance review; your infographic; your radio show or podcast; or your personal essay or artist profile. If you include more than three, that’s okay, but not at all necessary.
- You will post your portfolio to our site, as a single site. Think carefully about how to format your portfolio post. Your formatting will depend on what you include. But think about how to make sections breaks between each piece. Try to give your reader a good experience both scrolling through and digging into your portfolio. You may want to embed some assignments and link to others. (We’ll work on this in class.)
- Be sure to publish choose the “Portfolios” category when you publish your post.
Portfolio Guidelines
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