Workshop Guidelines

For our workshop sessions, each student will get fifteen minutes of feedback from the whole class. When you submit your piece, an ‘addendum’. At the end, tell us what you need help with. Ask questions about what you’re trying to figure out.

Be sure to read each student’s submission carefully and make notes–focusing on the questions below.

I’ll start by asking you to type observations in the chat, in response to these questions:

  1. What language stands out to you as particularly effective or interesting? What words or phrases give you a vivid sense of the music? What words or phrases make the writer’s voice or persona stand out?
  2. How would you describe the tone of the piece?
  3. Are there details you want to know more about?
  4. How would you answer some of the writer’s questions or concerns in the addendum?
  5. Is there anything that confused you or tripped you up while reading?

Then, I’ll ask some of you to expand verbally on your comments in the chat. Finally, the writer will have a chance to ask us questions.

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