About Me

Hello everyone! My name is Jarybel Correa. I am in my third year of college and am majoring in Early Childhood Education and my co-major is English. I am so excited to continue on my education and gain more knowledge and education along the way. I am also very excited for this class this semester. Music has always been such a huge part of my life, from coming from a musical family, to using music in my everyday life. In the future when i become a teacher i will be sure to use music in my classroom, it is very beneficial for students to learn and, express themselves in a creative way. Listening to so many different types of music in my 20 years of life, i have yet to settle on one genre of music as the best. Growing up and learning about all kinds of music from my father, as well as from my hispanic family, it has really been a part of my personailty, and who i am.

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