The English Department is hosting this event. Since Cardi B is in the title, it’s relevant to our course. I encourage you to attend! I’ll add the link once I get it.
Monthly Archives: January 2021
I look forward to meeting and working with you all. I wish it could be in person, but we’ll do our best to make the course as strong as can be. I love teaching this course. We really dig in and find ways to describe sound, contextualize music, learn about each other’s musical tastes, and listen to lots of music together. You’ll write reviews; you’ll make infographics; you’ll write artist profies; you’ll make a podcast or radio show; if you want, you can make videos for some of your assignments.
This will be the online home and syllabus for our course. We’ll use it as a course website–and to post material related to the course. I’ll post short videos here about course concepts, and you’ll post many of your assignments here too.
For now, here’s a friendly public service announcement. (I’ve been experimenting with making videos for teaching during the pandemic.)